Conception Rate Per Sire
Published on: Aug 24, 2021
Often these are broken down into different areas- Conception rate by:
- Day of the week, Operator “Human factors”
- Oestrus sign (Natural heat vs those induced heats from fertility treatments) “Vet treatment factors”
- Conception rate per sire “Sire factors”
- Lactation number, Days in Milk, Yield “Cow factors”
Conception rate per sire reflects semen quality. This can be both in fresh semen and frozen thawed semen. To ensure acceptable fertility, there must be adequate numbers of sperm (concentration) and the characteristics required for fertilisation. Some of these characteristics can be measured using objective and subjective semen analysis methods, both have been demonstrated as a valuable tool in assessing semen quality before it is used. This is specifically relevant to embryo transfer and synchronisation programmes, but also is important in all dairy and beef herds, particularly in those with a block calving pattern where pregnancies within a narrow window are vital.We carry out bull breeding soundness examinations to check that our bulls are fit for the job, but testing our flask to check and the semen stored inside to see if fit for purpose it is often overlooked! This is a great opportunity not to just look at the semen, but review our storage, recording and semen handling.
- When was the last time your flask was topped up?
- When locating straws how long do you lift them above the frost line for?
- How many straws would you defrost at once?”
Charlie has been carrying out frozen thawed semen analysis at the practice for a while now in particular for spring block calving herds. A straw of each of the semen intended for use on farm is defrosted and looked at under the microscope and assessed based on concentration, motility and morphology (sperm cell appearance). If there are any inconsistencies these are highlighted pre breeding.
New technology: flow cytometry and computer assisted tracking allows more in-depth examination of semen using the computer. This testing allows for an objective assessment of motility, concentration and parts of the spermatozoa that cannot be evaluated with standard microscopy. This analysis is carried out an external independent ‘SemenRate’ lab. This is particularly useful for semen from high value sires and investigations into poor performance. Both of these semen analysis services are available through the practice.
Pregnancy success is affected by a multitude of factors. Poor conception rates are a major cause of reduced productivity and therefore profitability. If you would like to find out more about managing “sire factors” or just conception rate analysis speak to your herd vet.
Rosie Lyle
Learn how to improve conception rates in your cattle herd by effectively managing sire factors. Discover the importance of semen quality assessment, bull breeding soundness examinations, and optimizing breeding practices. Ensure successful breeding and increased productivity in your herd.
#ConceptionRate #Fertility #DairyCows #BeefCattle #Reproduction #SemenQuality #Breeding #FarmManagement #AnimalHealth #Veterinary