July 2024 Farm Newsletter

This newsletter from Shepton Vets covers farm management topics including:

This issue covers a wide range of farm management topics including upcoming training courses on calving, down cows, and tup testing, advice on Selective Dry Cow Therapy (SDCT) to reduce antibiotic usage, lameness management tips, and an AHWP case study. There’s also a warm welcome to new vet Elly and a farewell to Paddy Gordon who transitions to a consultancy role.

#CalvingCourse #DownCowCourse #TupTesting #SDCT #SelectiveDryCowTherapy #MilkOut #TeatSealant #CellCount #BulkCellCount #AntibioticReduction #Neospora #BovaltoRespiIntranasal #BovaltoRespi3 #Pneumonia #Lungworm #Ringworm #NSAIDs #NonsteroidalAntiInflammatoryDrugs #Lameness #ClawLesions #SoleHemorrhage #SoleUlcer #WhiteLineDisease #HoofTester #UbrostarRed #OrbeninExtraDC #NorocloxDC