June 2024 Farm Newsletter

This newsletter from Shepton Vets covers farm management topics including:

  • Increased number of out-of-hours call outs due to Schmallenberg calvings and LDAs
  • Information on sampling for worm egg counts
  • Farewell to Harry Connock who has become a full-time small animal vet
  • Increased risk of Bluetongue disease in the UK, with information on signs and prevention
  • Explanation of Animal Health and Welfare Pathway / Review visits and how they can benefit farms

#LDA #LeftDisplacedAbomasum #Mastitis #SCC #GrazingCattle #Neospora #Abortion #Cattle #Bluetongue #Schmallenberg #WormEggCount #SustainableParasiteControl #AHWP #AHWR #FlyControl