Robert Powell
Farm Animal Vet
Rob qualified as a Veterinary Surgeon from the Royal Veterinary College London in 2011 and subsequently worked in large animal practice in the South of England. In 2014 Rob spent 18 months in New Zealand, gaining experience working with block calving dairy herds. Having grown up on a dairy farm in the Somerset, Rob returned to the local area and proudly joined the Shepton Vets team in 2017.
Rob has specialist interests in dairy fertility, youngstock and infectious disease control and enjoys working closely with his regular clients to improve herd health and efficiency. Rob leads the Export service and runs the Youngstock club in collaboration with Anna Hewison. Rob has gained additional farm veterinary qualifications, having completed his Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice at the University of Liverpool in 2023.
Outside of work, Rob enjoys spending time with his wife Sophie, young boys George and Harry and his black labrador Peggy. Rob is enthusiastic about running, DIY and enjoys spending time outdoors exploring the Mendip countryside.