April 2024 Farm Newsletter
Packed with informative content for our clients!
- Learn about the results of a surgical audit performed at the practice to assess success rates of various procedures.
- Gain insights into the top performers in the Shepton Top 10 herd review, including benchmarks for genetics, fertility, and youngstock performance.
- Read about the benefits of the XL Vets independent practice community and the training courses they offer.
- Find out about the new farm meds daily collection point at the Wells Surgery and updates on medication availability.
- Discover how the Shepton Farm Vet Tech team can assist with your farm management needs, including vaccination rounds, udder health, and parasite control.
- Learn about Schmallenberg in sheep, including its effects and how to report deformed lambs to APHA.
- Catch up on the latest in fat hogg trade, antibiotic use in lambs, and best practices for ensuring lambs receive adequate colostrum.
- Read about using the Morris Remote Control Hydraulic Yoke for TB testing and the benefits it offers.
- Charlie – Vet who led the genetics discussion group
- Paddy – Vet who led the fertility discussion group for AYR herds
- Rob – Vet who led the fertility discussion group for block calving herds
- Anna – Youngstock vet
- Rosie – Youngstock vet
- Harry – Author of the Surgical Audit article
- Andrew Curwen – Chief Executive of XL Vets
- Vin – Author of the Delivery & Collection Update
- Jade – Farm vet tech
- Bibby – Author of the Talking Sheep article
- Ralph – Author of the Using the Morris Remote Control Hydraulic Yoke for TB Testing article
- Ray – Tester who participated in the TB testing with the Morris Remote Control Hydraulic Yoke
#SurgicalAudit #Castrations #Disbuds #Dehorns #ClientDetails #AnimalDetails #SurgeryType #Outcome #SurvivalRate #Enucleations #RDA #HerniaRepair #CystRemoval #Laparoscopic #Toggled #SurgicallyCorrected #FollowUpData #DataCollection #Benchmarking #PerformanceImprovement #SheptonTop10 #Genetics #HerdGeneticReport #GeneticPerformance #GenomicTesting #Fertility #PerformanceDiscussionGroup #AYRHerds #BlockCalvingHerds #PregRate #HeatDetection #HeifersFertility #AgeAtFirstCalving #SurvivalToLactation #EmptyRate #HeatDetection #Youngstock #SheptonTop10Winners #XLvets #CommunityOfIndependentPractices #KnowledgeSharing #TrainingCourses #GraduateProgramme #VeterinaryBusinessOwners #IndependentlyOwnedPractice #CommunityFocus #EmployeeFocus #ClientFocus #DeliveryCollectionUpdate #Huskvac #Spirovac #Bovela #BovilisBVD #PenStrep #CyclexDisinfectant #VetTech #VaccinationRound #Pneumonia #BovaltoIntranasal #BovaltoRespi #Trichovec #RingwormVaccine #FarmManagement #Ultrasound #Disbudding #ParasiteControl #TalkingSheep #Schmallenberg #DeformedLambs #Calves #SheepCaesarean #APHA #FatHoggTrade #Spectam #Antibiotic #Ecoli #WateryMouth #FailureOfPassiveTransfer #Colostrum #BodyConditionScore #PreLambingNutrition #BloodSample #EnergyProteinLevels #MorrisRemoteControlHydraulicYoke #TBTesting #HydraulicYoke