Bailey’s Weight Loss Journey: A Tale of Canine Transformation
First Published: July, 2023
Introducing Bailey…
I first had the pleasure of meeting this exuberant, loveable black Labrador in January 2023.
Bailey came in to see Veterinary Surgeon Jen Reeve as he was lame on his right hind. Further investigations showed that Bailey had stiff hips and was suffering from Hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is where the ball and socket of the hip joint don’t fit together properly, causing the ball of the hip joint to grow in an abnormal way. Hip dysplasia can be quite painful, causing stiffness, swelling and even leading to arthritis.
A treatment plan was soon put in place to help alleviate Baileys symptoms. However, a bigger issue also needed to be addressed…… Baileys love of food!
Unbeknown to Bailey, his biggest love had seen him balloon to a rather generous 46kg, and added extra strain on already vulnerable joints. With the help of Baileys owners, a weight loss plan was also devised. Bailey was put on a prescription weight loss diet and was under strict instructions to cut out all treats and to weigh food daily.
Luckily for us, Baileys owners have been very compliant and have bought him back in to practice religiously every 4-6 weeks for regular weight checks. Patients on a weight loss plan, need regular monitoring to make sure that they are losing the weight in a safe and timely manner.
Within the first 3 months, Bailey had successfully lost 3kg and his owners had already reported a change in his personality, behaviour and energy levels. Instead of plodding into the consult, Bailey would come bounding in.
Fast forward 6 months and not only has Bailey lost an incredible 6kg, but his owners have also reported that he is brighter, more energetic, more playful and tires less easily. A recent check up at has also highlighted an improvement in Baileys hip dysplasia. Bailey is more mobile and crucially a lot more comfortable.
Although Bailey still has a couple more kilos to lose, the changes in his weight have already massively improved his quality of life. Bailey and his owners have done an amazing job. Trying not to give in to those big dark eyes and give Bailey a treat has been quite a challenge! But a lot of perseverance and hard work is starting to pay off! We look forward to continuing helping Bailey reach his ideal weight.

Discover the inspiring story of Bailey, a Labrador who overcame obesity and hip dysplasia through dedicated weight loss and veterinary care. Learn how a combination of dietary changes, exercise, and regular check-ups led to significant improvements in his overall health and well-being.
dog health, pet health, dog obesity, weight loss, veterinary care, hip dysplasia, pet wellness, healthy lifestyle, animal welfare, pet owner education