From Rescue to Lap of Luxury
Published on: Apr 10
You’ve probably heard about the huge rise in people wanting puppies since lockdown started in Spring this year. We have seen plenty over the last few months and it’s always one of the happiest parts of the job meeting these lovable bundles of fluff and seeing them grow to leggy adolescents and then into adult dogs. They never lack treats or willing nurses/receptionists/vets to cuddle when they’re in the building.
Spare a thought, though for some of the dogs who come into rescue centres – for many different reasons. Some are young and fit and find homes relatively easily, but others are older, and may come with ongoing medical and/or behavioural problems. I often think that it takes a special sort of person to commit to taking one of these dogs into their lives.
This is where I come to Lily. She is a beautiful Old English Sheepdog who until fairly recently lived with her elderly owner. Sadly, the time came when her owner was no longer able to care for Lily and so she was taken into a rescue centre. She received excellent care here, but obviously it was not the same as having her own home and she became quite withdrawn.
Lily is elderly and suffers with chronic health conditions. She has skin problems and requires regular bathing. She also has arthritis and has problems with her mobility. Lily is an anxious girl and doesn’t like car journeys. You might imagine that she would struggle to be rehomed with all these issues.
Fortunately for Lily, she has found a loving home and is now living in the lap of luxury. Her new owners were looking to give a home to an older dog and started making daily lunchtime visits to her so she could get used to them. Since they brought her home, she has gained weight and her skin has improved – although it will always need management. I have been visiting her (with all necessary Covid safeguards and precautions) as she does not like travelling. She has to have medication daily for her arthritis and her skin. Lily has a sling that can be used to support her when she is having a bath so there is not too much strain for her legs.
I have been giving her acupuncture to help with her mobility. I place 14-18 fine acupuncture needles in ‘trigger points’ and leave them for about 10 minutes. Lily tolerates this really well and it has been helping her, making it easier for her to get up.
I have to say it is utterly heart warming to see the love and attention given to Lily. As well as a deep, comfortable new bed and toys, there are non-slip mats down on the floor to make it easier for her to get around and all the medical care and supplements she could need. Even Monty the (ex-rescue) cat has made her welcome. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer dog as she is a really sweet-natured gentle girl.
It’s clear to see how Lily has benefitted from her new home, but it’s obvious that her new owners have gained such a lot as well seeing her improve and enjoy her well earned retirement.

Author –
Sarah Wheadon
Senior dog adoption success story! Read how Lily, an Old English Sheepdog with chronic health issues, found a loving home with acupuncture & TLC from Shepton Vets.
#SeniorDogAdoption #RescueDogCare #ChronicDogConditions #SkinCareForDogs #ArthritisTreatmentInDogs #AcupunctureForDogs #SeniorDogMobility #SheptonVets #CompassionateVeterinaryCare #LoveARescue
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