Gudi Stuttard
BVSc (hons) MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
Gudi’s career path is more varied than other in the team. From treating farm animals to writing scientific communication in the pet food industry, she has a wealth of experience that she brings to the Shepton Veterinary Group. Now, Gudi focuses on small animal care at our Wells branch primarily. Qualifying from the University of Bristol, School of Veterinary Science.
Passionate about the human-animal bond as part of her work and the impact it has on patients and customers alike. Delivering exceptional care at all times.
Curious to learn more about Gudi?
Read the Q&A with her below!
What do I think sets Shepton and Wells Vets apart from competitors?
I love that we are an independent practice that really cares about how we serve our local community. We are a close-knit team who look out for each other and are equally dedicated to the work that we do, so I am really proud of the care that we give to our patients by working so hard together. We are always looking for ways to offer the best service to our clients and the best care for our patients, whether that is with our night nurse team or the specialist knowledge and procedures offered by individuals within our clinical team. We have worked really hard to be able to maintain our own out-of-hours emergency care, which is increasingly rare but means that you don’t need to travel to another practice for care in the middle of the night and will always see one of our team. This is because we recognise what is important to our clients and what they want from a professional service, but also because we believe it is best for our patients too.

What do I enjoy most about working at Shepton Vets?
Working within such a great team – everyone looks after each other and is so dedicated, I know that everyone I work with cares about doing a good job for our patients and clients and we all work together to do our best. But we have a lot of fun too. We are a proper family.
What am I passionate about, in my work, for Shepton vets, In the veterinary industry?
I think the human-animal bond is something very special. I know personally how much living with pets has enriched my life, and how it has benefitted my children to grow up around animals. Every day in my job I see the difference pets make to their owners’ lives in so many ways, enhancing physical, mental and emotional well-being. I see how loved my patients are by their families and how happy and well-cared for they are. I think vets are so privileged to play a key role in supporting these relationships. I love that I get to help to educate owners and support them in making good decisions for their pets, especially at particularly challenging times. I also love the precision and scientific reasoning required in my work. I enjoy soft tissue surgery, and the satisfaction that I get from improving my technique with every surgery I perform.
Do I have animals at home?
Parker the black and white domestic shorthair cat is my absolute rock and has been with us from almost the very beginning of my veterinary career, preceding kids, marriage, Shepton Vets and finding our forever home. He is a very elderly boy now, completely deaf and very set in his ways but he is the best cat in the world. He loves sunny spots, all food and photobombing.
Ember the fox red Labrador is our first ever family dog, long awaited. She is very good at tricks and we are loving having her in our family and taking her for long walks. She loves swimming, unsurprisingly, and ALL other dogs. She also loves Parker, but it is unrequited.
Voldetort the tortoise is at least 45 years old and has seen it all. He pretends to be grumpy but is actually quite sociable. We are reluctant tortoise owners, having inherited Voldertort, but he has been surprisingly easy to care for and seems happy in his new home as long as we give him lots of dandelion leaves and put him in the sun (when it comes out).
We have a few backyard chickens, retired from commercial egg production. They are really tame and very relaxing to have around, with the added benefit of keeping us well stocked with eggs. They love sneaking into the house at every opportunity and bossing the dog around.
Read more from Gudi

Caring for your pet as we do our own
At Shepton and Wells Vets, we understand what your pets mean to you, and so our Pets team aim to care for each and every one of them as we would do our own.
We care about your pet
Our primary focus is keeping them fit, happy and healthy with comprehensive and effective preventative healthcare, advice and treatment.
We care about you
We aim to communicate clearly and honestly with you, and discuss different treatment options so that you can make the right informed choices for you and your pet.
We care about clinical excellence
We take pride in providing a high level of medical and surgical care, working together as a team to do the very best we can for your pet.