
  • Youngstock Focus

    Posted By: Anna Hewison, 2 Oct

    As part of our Bristol student’s 2-week rotation with us they created a short presentation on an interesting case or new piece of research. Students Gabby and Lucy chose to talk about water provision in calves because they had noticed that on several farms’ calves had no access to clean, fresh water. It is stated in UK law that calves should...

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  • Latest Bluetongue Virus Situation – 28th Sept 24

    Posted By: Lottie, 2 Oct

    This article contains as up to date information as we have on the 28th September. Latest Bluetongue Virus Situation Following the identification of further cases of BTV-3 the two restricted zones have now been merged and extended. The new restriction zone now also covers all Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire,...

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  • Shepton Vets: Insights into Mastitis Prevention and Treatment

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 2 Oct

    We have completed 18 months of milk bacteriology now at Shepton and have amassed 242 samples that I’m now able to share.  The diagram attached shows the distribution of all bacteria, but in summary we are seeing primarily environmental origin bacteria in our samples or cases that have not cultured bacteria (and have likely self-cured)....

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  • Photosensitisation is a very painful skin condition

    Posted By: Kate - Farm Vet, 23 Sep

    Photosensitisation is a very painful skin condition in cattle. More commonly seen in sunny weather. Primary photosensitisation is caused by cattle eating plants that contain photodynamic agents such as St John’s Wort or Giant Hogweed. Secondary photosensitisation is a result of liver damage such as from liver fluke or poisoning. The damaged liver...

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  • Brian May: The Badgers, the Farmers and Me

    Posted By: Ralph, 23 Sep

    Many of you will have watched this and tried to relate it to your own experiences. It would be easy to dismiss the opinions expressed in this program as simplistic, but it is good to be open to new ideas.  A number of Sir Brian May’s suggestions were identical to those offered by the TB Advisory Service (TBAS):  Don’t spread...

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  • Synchronising Sheep

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 23 Sep

    I thought I would let you know about my own personal experience of synchronizing my sheep.  Some of you may know, I am now farming my own sheep… on quite a large scale! I’m the proud owner of 9 ewes, I lambed these in early May to coincide with holiday.  I decided to synchronize my ewes to try and achieve a tighter lambing...

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  • Could your Dog be a life saver

    Posted By: Rachel, 22 Aug

    Every unit of blood helps save up to four lives  Like people, sometimes our pets require blood transfusions to help them recover from an illness. This can be due to a bleed from an injury, post-surgery, a toxicity or because the body breaks down their own blood. These situations can often be life or death, and this is where the pet blood bank...

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  • Lungworm. What is it ? How do we treat it? How can we prevent it?

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 5 Aug

    What is lungworm? Lungworm (Husk) is a parasite of the respiratory tract caused by Dictyocaulus viviparus. Lungworm is widespread in the UK but more common in wetter parts of the country such as the Southwest. Lungworm is picked up from cows eating Lungworm larvae from pasture. What signs do I see? Lungworm was traditionally seen more from...

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  • Combating bad eyes in cattle – effective treatment prevention management strategies

    Posted By: Alex Perkins, 5 Aug

    Have you been treating more bad eyes than usual the last few years? We have seen some farms in particular experience real outbreaks of bad eyes in cattle, some youngstock, but also cows the last few years. It can be incredibly labour intensive to treat and is known to reduce production, being such a painful condition, animals are less likely to eat...

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  • A typical cough in a spaniel

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 8 Jul

    Suzie was a small rescue cocker spaniel just under 5 years old when she came in to see us at the start of June this year. She had a couple of ongoing issues that were being managed by her owner who runs Buddy’s Rural Animal Rescue. These included some underlying joint and mobility issues and some diarrhea if overfed. Despite these she was an...

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  • Selective Dry Cow Therapy

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 8 Jul

    Many of you are already performing Selective Dry Cow Therapy (SDCT) on your farms and seeing the benefits.  These include reduced antibiotic usage, reduced milk out of the tank, less risk of accidental contamination of the bulk tank with inhibitory substances and less mastitis in low SCC cows when dried off with teat sealant alone.   Did...

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  • How to avoid common foot-blocking pitfalls

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 8 Jul

    We all know that early detection and prompt, effective treatment of a lame cow is vital to improving her chance of recovery.     All cows with claw horn lesions (principally sole haemorrhage, sole ulcer, and white line disease) should be receiving an NSAID treatment alongside therapeutic trimming and the use of a block. But applying blocks...

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  • Piper’s precious platelets

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 24 Jun

      Blood in our pet’s bodies is similar to most other mammals and therefore ourselves. As well as red blood cells carrying oxygen, and white blood cells helping to fight infection, another important component of blood circulation are platelets. These small cells are involved in blood clotting, and so are crucial to stop animals bleeding....

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  • When Hens Get Broody

    Posted By: Pamela, 17 Jun

    Many chicken owners encounter broody hens just like the pictured Sage and Marshall. Driven by hormones, maturity, and a strong maternal instinct, they can become fixated on sitting on a nest and hatching chicks. This can happen anytime, especially during warm days and long evenings. It's important to be aware of the signs and how to handle them...

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  • Beyond Staycations: Essential Pre-Travel Pet preparations

    Posted By: Adam, 17 Jun

    When we get to the holiday season, and a staycation just does not seem enough, we start to look for holidays in more exotic places. This means that it requires more paperwork to take our furry friends with us. Before 2021, we would use European pet passports. However, since then, we need a document called an Animal Health Certificate. These can only...

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  • Why Do Parrots Pluck? Uncovering the reasons why

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 3 Jun

    Last Monday, I was delighted to see some old friends in the waiting room. Coco had come in for his regular nail and beak treatment, along with his lovely owners.  Coco is a beautiful Amazon parrot. I first met him 13 years ago.  His owners brought him to see me back then because the plumage over his front looked thin and fluffy, not the...

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  • One lucky pygmy goat!

    Posted By: Lottie, 3 Jun

    Springtime often sees a peak in animals that have eaten things that they shouldn’t. As all the fresh new growth comes up animals either don’t spot that it is something different, or it just looks appealing. We recently had a pygmy goat called Rupert present with acute onset of abdominal discomfort, he was staggering around and very unsteady...

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  • Increased risk of Bluetongue in the UK

    Posted By: Lottie, 3 Jun

    Bluetongue is a notifiable disease caused by infection with bluetongue virus. Bluetongue virus is mainly spread by biting midges. It can affect sheep, cattle, goats, llamas and alpacas. Dogs and other carnivores can also become infected if they eat infected afterbirth or aborted foetuses. While it does not affect people or food safety, outbreaks can...

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  • We can help reduce fly numbers and the irritation they cause

    Posted By: Jamie, 3 Jun

    Flies will never be eliminated, however, there are many proven things that we can do to reduce their numbers and the irritation they cause our animals. The production impact of fly bother through disruption to animals’ normal behaviour and the diseases they spread are significant. It is estimated flies can reduce milk production by as much as...

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  • Bull selection for your suckler herd

    Posted By: Alex Perkins, 23 May

      Choosing sire in your suckler herd will greatly impact its profitability. This makes decisions around the breed and the individual within it very important. The sire’s contribution to the herd output or replacements is likely to be felt for years to come, which means the consequences for choosing badly can be costly in time, labour...

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  • Improve Cow Lameness Rates with Regular Mobility Scoring

    Posted By: Ray Creed, 23 May

    Since joining the practice in 2020 I have been doing mobility scoring as a RoMS qualified scorer. We now have 24 herds we score regularly. Some are scored monthly, most are quarterly, some are 6 monthly and a couple have an annual check. Over the past 4 years we have seen considerable improvement in lameness rates across the scored herds....

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  • Talking Sheep And the prevalence of Schmallenberg

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 24 Apr

    Whilst on my visits I have been having several discussions about clients imminent lambing.   I’ve had frequent conversations about the prevalence of Schmallenberg following on from some of the earlier lambers and spring calvers reporting cases of deformed lambs and calves. Schmallenberg is a viral infection of ruminants and camelids...

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  • Vet Tech catch up

    Posted By: Anna - Farm Vet, 19 Apr

    Vet Tech catch up  Vet Tech Jade has been a key part of the Shepton Vets farm team since 2021 in the tech team. Central to Jades work day to day is to manage and administer the ‘vaccination round’. We have more than 30 farms on our vaccine scheme, each week Jade visits farms to administer vaccines for pneumonia and ringworm.     For...

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  • Auditing: How We’re Making Farm Surgery Better

    Posted By: Harry, 13 Apr

    What is an audit?  A process of collecting data in a specific area of practice. In our case, this is all surgeries performed by our vets. We have been collating information since July 2022. Castrations and disbuds/dehorns were not included.  How do we collect the data?  We collect the data on a paper spreadsheet in the vet’s...

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  • Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

    Posted By: Rachel, 11 Apr

    As our feline friends get older there are a few conditions that become more common. One of those conditions is chronic kidney disease (CKD). The cause of CKD is often unknown, but it is most commonly a result of ongoing minor damage to the kidney. If CKD is detected early and treated effectively, cats can have a very good long-term prognosis. The...

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  • The 2023/24 Shepton Top 10 Season Review

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 10 Apr

    Another winter discussion group season is now behind us, and once again, we’ve seen lots of top performances in our Shepton herds.  Genetics – Our first meeting was on genetics. Vet Charlie led the discussions, and all our herds were benchmarked on £PLI or £ACI. The big takeaway was understanding your herd’s...

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  • Stress-Free TB Testing with Remote Control Yokes

    Posted By: Ralph, 9 Apr

    We used a client’s new Morris Remote Control hydraulic yoke set up for his recent herd test. There are two remote control yokes at the end of a race leading off from a new rotary parlour, as in the letter ‘Y’. Each yoke is operated by a wireless handheld device, which has 4 options: open/close yoke and open/close (rear) gate. The...

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  • Portia’s strange skin lesions point to hormonal issue

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 4 Apr

    Itchy and sore skin is a common issue amongst our pet dogs and parasites or allergies are often at the centre of these concerns. However, not all sore skin is the same, and some skin lesions can point to underlying health problems within the body. This was the case with Portia the 9 year old French bulldog who was suffering from some very nasty sores...

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  • The story of Snoi

    Posted By: Pamela, 28 Mar

    Snoi is a 15-year-old male cat who was admitted to the veterinary hospital because he had collapsed and had difficulty breathing. He was placed in an oxygen tent and stabilised before being taken for radiography. The X-ray showed Snoi had a build-up of fluid in the thorax, known as a pleural effusion. Several reasons can cause this, such as trauma,...

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  • A note from our Director

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 24 Mar

    February has been another wet month; a recent tv news weather bulletin recorded that Priddy has had 194mm of rain by the 21st of Feb compared to a typical average of 58mm for the whole month.  Farmers are reporting a reasonable amount of spring grass around but getting stock or machines onto it may well be a challenge. In the practice fertility...

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  • Managing Nellie through her spay surgery as she found herself in a race against time to go under the knife!

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 21 Mar

    Nellie the 3-year-old French Bulldog is always great fun when she visits our Wells practice. We recently had the pleasure of managing her through her spay surgery as she found herself in a race against time to go under the knife!   Nellie was rehomed last autumn as a rescue and she flourished in the care of her new owners, well and truly...

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  • Pets Dental care at Shepton Vets

    Posted By: Adam, 14 Mar

    Our pets bring joy and excitement to our lives; however, pet ownership also comes with the responsibility of caring for them and providing for their health needs. One of the most overlooked areas of our pet's hygiene is their oral health! There are some breeds, particularly the greyhounds and whippets, which are particularly prone to this issue,...

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  • Shepton Vet techs Tackling Springtime

    Posted By: Jamie, 11 Mar

    The role of Vet techs and Tb tester changes and can be very variable dependent on the time of year. January through April is super busy for testing due to the increased number of housed cows. It is easier for farms to whole herd test during the winter months which keeps all our testers on their toes. Credit must go to Anne-Marie for juggling diaries...

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  • An embarrassing problem for Randy

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 7 Mar

    An embarrassing problem for Randy  Randy, as you can see from his picture, is a rather handsome young drake. At a mere 4 months old, he was already feeling Spring fever and getting amorous with his two lady friend ducks, when an embarrassing problem occurred.  I need to explain a little background information before going any further....

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  • Q- Should I be looking beyond age at first calving as a measure of rearing success?? A- Yes. But it’s a very good place to start the conversation

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 6 Mar

    What is AFC? This is average age at first calving, this is the age at which your heifers calve for the first time. This is averaged across all heifer calvings and given in days or months. For example, 24 months =730 days. Average can often misleading as it doesn’t account for outliers. In an AYR and less commonly block systems, we could have...

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  • To snip or not to snip….. A vet nurses / dog owners dilemma.

    Posted By: Faye - Vet Nurse, 29 Feb

    A couple of weeks ago, at the age of 18 months, I thought it was high time I booked my male Labrador in to be castrated.  At 18 months, I thought this was a good age (for medium/ larger breeds we usually recommend neutering between 12-18months).  He had had time to mature, both his testicles were present (some male dogs can have retained...

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  • Digital Dermatitis

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 27 Feb

    Housing can be a time where we see a resurgence of digital dermatitis (DD). What can we do to manage this challenge?  There are three core principles for the control of DD.  1. Keep it out.  2. Don’t let it spread.  3. Build resilience (healthy skin).  Utilising a combination of all of these will help support...

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  • Thoughts from our Directors

    Posted By: Paddy, 24 Feb

    Our Top Ten Fertility Meeting was well attended with over 50 farmers present. I gave a review of fertility for all year-round calving herds, looking at both performance and approach. Pregnancy rate combines both heat detection and conception rates and is the most up to date approach to measuring fertility. Different computer systems give slightly different...

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  • Canine cognitive dysfunction

    Posted By: Leanne , 22 Feb

    Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) is a dog's equivalent to dementia in people. While not seen in every dog, a study showed that 28% of 11-12 year olds and 68% of 15 to 16 year old dogs were affected.  The exact cause of it is unknown, but we know that the brain degenerates and the effects can get more severe over time. Harmful proteins...

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  • Lungworm in cattle

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 19 Feb

    2023 was the 11th wettest year since 1836, it seem only now that our pastures are recovering! It won’t be long before its time to start thinking and planning your lung worm control for the season ahead.  We typically think of lungworm as an infection that affects first grazing season animals, However, due to changes in worming practices...

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  • Ear we go again

    Posted By: Harry, 11 Feb

    Head shaking and itchy ears are an extremely common presentation that we see here at Shepton and Wells Vets. While there are other causes of these signs, the most common is probably ears infections (or in fancy terms otitis externa). They can be intensely irritating for our pets. There are multiple nasties, which can infect the ears. Different bacteria,...

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  • The story of Inkpot

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 11 Feb

    Owning a pet is a wonderful experience, that’s why many of us do it, and keep on doing it. However, that isn’t to say it’s always plain sailing. Indeed there can be a lot of heartache and stressful experiences involved. It’s the nurturing and caring for another being that ultimately provides the rewards, and coming through those...

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  • Fiyero the Asian Longhair cat

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 1 Feb

    If you are a keen reader of this blog, you may have seen a few cases reported where dogs have eaten various objects that presumably seem like a good idea at the time but then cause a blockage in the intestine and must be surgically removed. It is much less common to see an intestinal foreign body in a cat, but the subject of this week’s article...

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  • Confronting Lumps and Triumphing with Stelfonta

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 25 Jan

    In the intricate tapestry of a dog's life, lumps and bumps are not uncommon threads. Some are innocuous, mere quirks of skin, while others unravel tales of concern. It's a narrative often explored in our vet consultations. One such story unfolded with Puri, a vibrant Weimaraner.   Lumps and bumps can come in all shapes and sizes...

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  • Safeguarding Calf Health with Shepton and Wells Vets

    Posted By: Kate - Farm Vet, 24 Jan

    Unveiling the Battle Against Cryptosporidium: Insights from Shepton and Wells Vets Embark on a journey into the microscopic realm as we delve into the challenges posed by Cryptosporidium parvum, a stealthy parasite wreaking havoc among young calves. At Shepton and Wells Vets, we have witnessed a recent surge in Crypto cases on our dairy farms, emphasizing...

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  • Vaccine Readiness 2024: Shepton and Wells Vets Keeps Your Herd Ahead of the Curve

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 19 Jan

    Navigating the 2024 Vaccine Season As the curtain rises on the 2024 Vaccine season, We are committed to ensuring a smooth vaccination journey for our clients. We are pleased to announce that the first batch of Huskvac will be available starting January 23rd, 2024. In light of previous supply challenges, we urge you to secure your Huskvac by placing...

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  • Paws in Motion: A Guide to Canine Osteoarthritis and Well-Being

    Posted By: Rachel, 18 Jan

    Canine osteoarthritis, a condition echoing the challenges faced by humans in their golden years. Just like us, our furry companions are susceptible to this degenerative joint disease, often encountered in their later stages of life.    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a really common condition we see, and like in people it is more common in...

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  • Breathing Easy: Shepton and Wells Vets' Guide to Pneumonia Prevention in Youngstock

    Posted By: Emily, 17 Jan

    Shepton and Wells Vets: Navigating the Pneumonia Peril in Youngstock As the seasons shift, the specter of respiratory diseases looms over youngstock, necessitating vigilant care. At Shepton and Wells Vets, we recognize the heightened vulnerability of calves to pneumonia amid fluctuating weather and rising humidity. Wondering how to fortify your...

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  • Navigating Neutering in the Era of Breed-Specific Legislation

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 11 Jan

    Neutering procedures are amongst the most common surgeries we perform for dogs and cats, being a daily feature of our ops list. Of course, every patient is an individual and we consider every surgical procedure carefully, but these operations tend to follow a very routine protocol. But when 18-month-old Tren visited our wells branch for his castration...

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  • Nurturing Growth in Farming, Reflecting on 2023, and Prospects for 2024

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 9 Jan

    Navigating Agriculture's Landscape: A Recap of 2023 and Aspirations for 2024 with Shepton and Wells Vets with Farm Vet Charlie. Embarking on the journey of 2024, Charlie has taken a moment to glance back at 2023 at Shepton Vets and the rhythm of the farming industry. From the highs and lows in milk prices to the promising indicators...

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  • Monty's Tale: A Flashing Keyring, a Wagging Tail and Shepton Vets

    Posted By: Pamela, 4 Jan

    At Shepton Vets, we understand that our pets can find themselves in curious situations, often leading to unexpected challenges. Monty, a dedicated support dog in training, recently faced such an incident that highlighted the unpredictable nature of our furry companions' adventures.   Monty is a 4 month old support dog in training to...

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  • Albie's Recovery: Thanks to Breakthrough Treatments

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 28 Dec

      Over the past 30 years the wealth of information within the veterinary profession and the available treatments have increased exponentially. New treatments are being looked for all the time for previously fatal conditions, and this could not be epitomized more than in the case of Albie. Albie, a 7-year-old male neutered cat, initially...

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  • Embracing the Golden Years: Senior Pets And Winter's Chill

    Posted By: Cara, 21 Dec

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, we are dedicated to the well-being of pets at every stage of life. In this insightful article, one of our experienced consulting veterinary nurses, Cara Neal RVN, shares valuable insights into caring for our senior companions during the colder months.   As one of the consulting veterinary nurses at Shepton...

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  • Navigating the Worm Maze: A Comprehensive Guide to Sheep and Goat Roundworms

    Posted By: Anna Hewison, 19 Dec

      Which worms affect goats and sheep?  Trichostrongylus axei  These worms are small and hair-like, tapered at one end. Males are 4–6mm long and the females are 5–7mm long.  Live in the abomasum.  Other Trichostrongylus species (T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus)  Live in the small intestine.  Teladorsagia...

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  • Sophie's Resilience: A Tale of Triumph Over a Splenic Challenge

    Posted By: Rachel, 14 Dec

      I first met Sophie when she came to see me one Tuesday evening after her owners had noticed she was very lethargic and didn’t want to get up. She had seemed okay that morning when they had left for work but when they came home, she hadn’t moved from where they had left her, and poor Sophie could hardly stand. Sophie is a 12...

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  • Navigating the Transition: Insights from the XL Vets Road Show on Dairy Cow Health

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 12 Dec

    In November some of the veterinary team, as well as a group of farmers attended The XL Vets Transition Cow Road Show. Stephen LeBlanc from Guelph University in Canada was keynote speaker.  We all know how important it is to ensure a successful transition period for our dairy cows' health and performance. Did you know that over 40% of cows...

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  • Empowering Farmers: Insights from Our Comprehensive AI Training Program

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 12 Dec

    In October, we hosted another successful AI course. We had four delegates learning about AI for the first time and one delegate attending for an AI refresher. All trainees had slightly varied reasons for attending the course, some to be able to support the team of AI-trained staff already on their farm and others to enable their farm to be less reliant...

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  • Daisy's Journey from Roadside Tragedy to Triumph

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 7 Dec

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, we often find ourselves at the forefront of emergency care, and sadly, road traffic accidents involving pets are not uncommon. In this challenging scenario, our commitment to comprehensive care and advanced medical interventions is exemplified. Unfortunately, pets involved in road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a fairly...

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  • A word from our Directors

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 5 Dec

    December has arrived with some heavy frosts, and it very much feels like winter is here. I hope people are not having too many problems with frozen water tanks and milking parlours. I recently attended a meeting on sustainability in dairy, beef, and lamb production. It was interesting to see some of the numbers behind the CO2 arguments in the news. A...

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  • Shepton Top10 Winter benchmarking meeting - Genetics

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 5 Dec

    We kicked off our Shepton Top10 Winter benchmarking meetings again this month, opening with Genetics. We used the AHDB Herd Genetic Reports as the basis for our benchmarking; splitting our herds in to All-Year-Round calvers, focussing on the PLI metric and Autumn calving herds, focussing on the ACI metric. We had a great dataset to work with and...

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  • Mastering Red Tractor Excellence: Your Path to Farming Success

    Posted By: Paddy, 30 Nov

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, we understand the challenges farmers face during Red Tractor inspections. Thorough preparation and meticulous paperwork are crucial. We diligently update your health plan annually, yet we urge you to collaborate closely with us, especially when you know an inspection is on the horizon. Our shared efforts ensure your farm...

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  • Compassionate Dental Care for Cockerpoo Puppies

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 30 Nov

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, every puppy health check is not just a routine; it's a comprehensive assessment ensuring a healthy start for our fluffy friends. Recently, Vet Rosy conducted a thorough examination on an adorable litter of 8-week-old Cockerpoo puppies during their first vaccinations and microchipping. Little did we know, this routine...

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  • New Rules for Animal Exports: Vet Attestations and Regulatory Updates

    Posted By: Liam, 29 Nov

    Traders and processors dealing in the export of products of animal origin (POAO) to the EU or Northern Ireland are encountering significant regulatory shifts, especially concerning regular vet visits and the attestation process. In conjunction with this, a new vet attestation rule, effective from December 13th, is set to impact producers selling livestock...

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  • Illuminate Productivity: Shedding Light on Dairy Cow Performance

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 23 Nov

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, we understand that every aspect of dairy cow management contributes to their well-being and productivity. As the days shorten and the nights lengthen, the topic of lighting provisions for dairy cows becomes increasingly vital. Often overlooked, lighting plays a crucial role in the overall yield and performance of dairy cows....

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  • Beyond the Bumps: Navigating Pet Health with Collaboration and Compassion

    Posted By: Adam, 23 Nov

    In this insightful article, we explore the journey of Molly Green, highlighting the importance of early detection, collaborative veterinary care, and tailored treatment plans in ensuring the well-being of cherished pets. As our pets get older, we usually start to notice lumps and bumps starting to pop up. Some of these are benign, and we...

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  • Unwavering Care: Benny's Triumph Over Trauma at Shepton and Wells Vets

    Posted By: Harry, 9 Nov

      A British Blue called Benny was seen by us recently. Sadly, for him, he had been in some unknown traumatic incident that had caused extensive wounds over his left hind leg. He was therefore extremely painful on his leg and struggling to walk. Fortunately, he had not suffered any bony damage, which was confirmed by x-rays. There were multiple...

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  • Unlocking Health, One Tooth at a Time: The Vital Role of Tartar Removal

    Posted By: Harry, 8 Nov

    At Shepton and Wells Vets, we prioritize your pet's dental health for their overall well-being. In this insightful article, our vet Polly Cornwell delves into the significance of tartar removal, explaining the intricate process and emphasizing the critical role dental care plays in your beloved companion's health journey. Vet Polly Cornwell...

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  • Empowering Feline Lives: A Glimpse into VOCAL's Compassionate Journey

    Posted By: Faye - Vet Nurse, 2 Nov

    Discover a heartwarming tale of compassion and dedication as our veterinarian shares their experience at VOCAL (Voice of the Cats Alliance), a Greek cat charity based on the picturesque Island of Crete. Join us in understanding the vital trap, neuter, and return programs conducted by this volunteer-driven organization, aiming to reduce stray cat populations...

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  • Soothing Whiskers and Wagging Tails: Mastering Firework Anxiety with Shepton Vets

    Posted By: Liam, 1 Nov

    Helping Your Furry Friends Navigate Fireworks: Tips from Shepton Vets - RSPCA At Shepton Vets, we recognise that fireworks can be incredibly distressing for our beloved pets, prompting a range of anxiety-driven behaviors. Based on our extensive experience and feedback from concerned pet owners, we have compiled comprehensive guidelines to assist...

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  • Saying Goodbye to Angel: A Fond Farewell to a Beloved Companion

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 10 Aug

    Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and as a veterinary practice, we understand the profound impact it has on both pet owners and our staff. We recently had to bid farewell to a cherished patient, Angel, a Yorkshire Terrier who had been a part of our practice family for over 15 years. Angel's owner, who had been incredibly devoted to her care,...

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  • A Peek Behind the Scenes: A Weekend in the Life of a Small Animal Vet at Shepton Vets

    Posted By: Harry, 4 Aug

    Curious about what weekends are like for our dedicated small animal vets at Shepton and Wells Vets? Join us on a virtual journey through a typical weekend on call, where our veterinarians go above and beyond to provide exceptional care to our furry companions. From handling various cases to late-night emergencies, follow along as we give you a glimpse...

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  • Intro to Calf Rearing - Building a Strong Foundation for Your Herd

    Posted By: Emily, 28 Jul

    Shepton Vets recently conducted our highly anticipated Intro to Calf Rearing course at the beginning of July. This comprehensive training is tailored for individuals new to calf rearing as well as those seeking a refresher on youngstock management. The course delved into the fundamentals of calf-rearing, covering essential topics such as the initial...

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  • A Summer of Shelled Warriors: Thriving Tortoises in the Heatwave

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 27 Jul

    As the temperatures soared during the balmy days of May and June, our pet tortoises reveled in the glorious sunshine. The UK is home to various "Mediterranean" tortoise species, such as the spur thighed tortoise, Herman's tortoise, marginated tortoise, Russian or Horsefield's tortoise, and the Leopard tortoise. These cold-blooded...

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  • Top tips for worm egg counting

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 26 Jul

      Top tips for worm egg counting Understand which group of animals need testing. Most of the time this is calves or lambs.   Only collect samples from those animals which need testing, otherwise mixed age groups can lead to false results. I.e. missing ewes and lamb samples.  If you’re unsure what samples to...

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  • Brave Bob and the Bee Sting

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 24 Jul

    The 3rd June was a typically busy Saturday at our Shepton practice. We had seen our fair share of dogs with dodgy tummies, cats with scratches, and rabbits feeling run down. In amongst these were the routine booster vaccinations, which I always enjoy as it is a time for me to get to know owners better, and to remind our patients that coming to the...

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  • Allergies and what to look for

    Posted By: Adam, 20 Jul

    This time of year, quite a few of us are suffering from hay fever. This is an allergy to the pollen in the air. It makes our nose and eyes stream, and out nose itch, making us sneeze. Our pets can also suffer from allergies, particularly in the spring and summer months. They can be allergic to pollen like we are, from grasses and trees, and specific...

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  • Julys Animal Health and Welfare Review

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 18 Jul

    We have all been out doing AHWP visits recently.  These provide funding for vet time on farm.  On one farm the funding paid for the annual BVD youngstock screen. Whilst the bloods were being taken further samples were sent away for trace element testing. The farm has very good fertility in the dairy herd with a submission rate of 71% (NMR...

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  • Heat Stress in cattle, housing management etc

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 16 Jul

    2023 is working out to be another hard year to manage with grazing and feeding dairy cattle.  2022 had a record high of 40.3 C, breaking a previous record that lasted 3 years. In comparison the 1911 record of 36.7 C stood for 79 years.  Higher yielding cows also generate more heat from greater metabolic activity which increases the...

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  • Bailey Hip dysplasia and weight loss

    Posted By: Faye - Vet Nurse, 13 Jul

    Introducing Bailey...  I first had the pleasure of meeting this exuberant, loveable black Labrador in January 2023.  Bailey came in to see Veterinary Surgeon Jen Reeve as he was lame on his right hind. Further investigations showed that Bailey had stiff hips and was suffering from Hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is where the ball and socket...

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  • Red Tractor review, how we can help, is your training up to date?

    Posted By: Paddy, 12 Jul

    Red Tractor Health Plans have been taking up a lot of my time this month, and this is often a good chance to review what has happened in the past year and identify areas where there are opportunities. This has identified some real positives such as fertility improvements resulting in higher yields and more even calving pattern, less lame cows resulting...

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  • Junes Shepton Vet Foot Trimming Course

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 10 Jul

    In June we held our first foot trimming and foot first-aid course after a hiatus from running this as a group course. Rosie and Charlie were joined by four delegates from four different farms and our affiliated professional foot trimmer Neil Bishop from KNEL Livestock Services. We started the day with theory, getting the basics right, including...

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  • Euthanasia - making that difficult decision

    Posted By: Leanne , 6 Jul

    As a vet, we are often asked for advice on knowing when it is time to say goodbye. The first thing to know is that this is never an easy decision, and many of us at Shepton are pet owners. We have all been there and understand that losing an important member of the family can be a challenging time. For some animals, they may become debilitated by...

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  • Last month Charlie attended the XLVets Buying Services Annual Meeting

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 5 Jul

    Last month I attended the XLVets Buying Services Annual Meeting, which gives us all a great chance to catch up and discuss opportunities and challenges with our medicine supply, but also within our own practices. It was felt that many clients (both current and prospective) do not fully understand what XLVets is and why we feel it’s an important...

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  • Summer heat wave - Heat stroke

    Posted By: Jen, 28 Jun

    As it is Flaming July, we thought it a good idea to take the opportunity to discuss Heat Stroke in dogs. Heat Stroke in dogs can kill, every year we see dogs brought into the practice with heat stroke. Thankfully cases have been reducing as awareness has been raised by several high profile campaigns by the RSPCA including #dogsdieinhotcars and #dogsdieonhotwalks When...

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  • AHWP Visits

    Posted By: Emily, 23 Jun

    The Animal Health and Welfare Review (AHWR) is a new government initiative that was launched earlier this year. Our vets have been conducting visits under this initiative to our dairy, beef and sheep clients in order to review herd health and provide a bespoke visit and report to our farms. The aim is to improve animal health and welfare across the...

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  • Albert and the case of Knees and Teeth Syndrome

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 22 Jun

    This weeks case was a real rarity and a first for any of us at the practice and involves the very handsome Albert. He first came to see us in january as he had been a little lame on one of his hind legs. He first came to see us in january as he had been a little lame on one of his hind legs. Nothing specific was found when he was examined, but,...

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  • Wells Vets Case File

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 19 Jun

    Name: Jack Age: 14 Breed: Cocker Spaniel Likes: Enthusiastic tail wags Dislikes: Don’t touch the face! Jack is always a delight. His tail wags constantly when he comes in. That is until we try to check his eyes, mouth, nose – any part of his face. Jack really doesn’t like his head being touched so treating these areas...

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  • What is Sustainable Livestock Production

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 15 Jun

    Last month, myself and Harry went to an XL Farm Vets meeting to discuss sustainability. Although we hear the word sustainability regularly, I must hold my hands up and say that I went to this meeting not really knowing what it was.  So, what did I learn. Well, I think actually there are probably many different “Definitions”...

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  • Bailey, Laryngeal paralysis

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 9 Jun

    One of the very basic pleasures of having a dog is seeing them enjoy their walks. The daily walk is great on so many levels. It encourages owners to get out and enjoy some exercise and fresh air, it’s vital for your dog’s health and mental wellbeing, and the pure enjoyment your dog gets is just good for the soul – for both the dog...

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  • practical selective dry cow therapy lunch and learn

    Posted By: Anna - Farm Vet, 7 Jun

    Last month, with the help of some udders collected from fallen stock, on a day that thankfully wasn’t too hot or fly heavy (!) we held a practical selective dry cow therapy lunch and learn.  We started with a theory session, where we thought about the benefits of selective dry cow therapy. For the cow, if she hasn’t had mastitis and...

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  • Heat Stroke in Dogs

    Posted By: Rachel, 2 Jun

    With warmer weather and trips to the beach just around the corner, heat stroke is a really common problem we see at the vets and can potentially be life threatening. This article should help you know what signs to look out for, first aid you can do at home and most importantly how to prevent it. What is heat stroke? Heat stroke is a term used...

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  • Super Charged Ozzy Ate Battery from Dog Toy

    Posted By: Pamela, 26 May

    Ozzy is a one-and-a-half-year-old fun loving Staffordshire Bull Terrier, he is full of beans and enjoys playing with his many toys. So, when Ozzy`s owner noticed he had chewed up a dog toy containing three small 5mm disc batteries and was only able to find two of the batteries, she was sure Ozzy had eaten the third. For these reasons it is contraindicated...

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  • How healthy are your herds feet?

    Posted By: Rosie Lyle, 23 May

    We have been talking about cattle mobility a lot recently. The Shepton Top10 meeting showed as a practice we have made big progress in this area but how can you know what to priorities to continue to improve as a herd in this area? A foot trimming records review and foot trimming skills check is a good place to start when trying to understand a...

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  • Puppies can swallow things in a Flash!

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 19 May

    Everyone loves playing with and cuddling young puppies and kittens, indeed its one of the perks of our job. However, they can also be very naughty and represent a large commitment for owners, often for the next 10+ years. Whilst kittens tend to be reasonably sensible, puppies are (generally) not. They investigate everything using their mouth, inevitably...

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  • Consideration for grazing cattle to reduce the risk of Mastitis and High SCC

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 18 May

    Turn out can reduce your workload but can still present problems with mastitis and cell counts, in both milking and dry cows.  To reduce the risk of dry cows developing mastitis in early lactation, or calving in with high cell counts, we recommend you only keep them in the same lying area for two weeks, then allow paddocks to rest for 4 weeks...

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  • Neospora; Abortion in your herd?.

    Posted By: Alex Perkins, 16 May

    We wrapped up the series of Winter Discussion Groups at Pilton with a meeting on Neospora. It was great to have a mixed beef and dairy meeting at the Pilton club. We had two guest speakers joining Alex. Liz Nabb from APHA Starcross explained to us the importance of abortion diagnoses at the Veterinary Investigation Centre. We were able to see recent...

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  • Bertie the springer spaniels multiple surgeries

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 11 May

    If there is one thing worse than having to undergo surgery, it is having to undergo surgery twice in a short space of time! This is clearly a situation no-one wants to be in, however this is where Bertie the 9-year-old Springer Spaniel found himself. Bertie was a new patient to the surgery. When we first assessed him Bertie was obviously a fit and...

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  • Spring is almost here !

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 10 May

    SPRING IS HERE, ALMOST. Everyone is glad the rain has stopped, and the sun has started to show itself. I have seen lots of cows out grazing now and a few clients cutting silage. We have been busier with lambing’s, calving’s and Tb testing as you would expect for this time of year. We have also got going on the Animal Health and Welfare...

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  • The Sun is out, and so are the creepy crawlies !

    Posted By: Cara, 5 May

    Parasite control in dogs and cats is important all year round, but particularly in the spring and summer months, when fleas and ticks are more prevalent in the environment. Fleas are the most common external parasite of companion animals, and they are regularly seen as a cause of itching in the vets. Ticks can not only be an irritation but spread some...

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    Posted By: Ralph, 3 May

      I’ve been thinking about my TBAS sett surveys, and - after a conversation with a client following a slaughterhouse case - thought this short Q&A might be helpful. I want to turn my cattle out. What can I do to reduce the risk of them getting TB? If your grazing land is bounded by mature hedgerows or copses, erect a single...

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  • The Importance of Implementing Biosecurity Measures on Your Farm

    Posted By: Emily, 2 May

    Preventing the introduction and spread of disease is key to minimizing losses on your farm and helping to control or even eliminate infectious diseases. Biosecurity describes the measures that are taken to prevent the introduction of a disease into a population (your herd or flock), and biocontainment describes the measures taken to prevent or minimize...

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  • Labrador Lola pulls through after two blood transfusions

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 25 Apr

    Giving blood is a life saving good deed that most of us know about and can do if our health allows. Indeed often a lot of us willingly put time aside to regularly provide a donation of blood safe in the knowledge that it could be crucial to someone’s life. But did you know that our dogs can also give blood, and by the same token, there are often...

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  • Cosmo and his broken leg

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 18 Apr

    Having a young pet can put you through a range of emotions, much like having kids. It’s exciting but hard work. They can cause you immense amounts of stress, but you can’t help but love them to bits. Cosmo, this week’s case, is no different. As a young kitten his family adored him. But when he came home one day with his leg at a slightly...

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  • Khaleesi the cat has close escape from poisonous flower

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 14 May

    Poisoning of pets can be a concerning issue amongst owners, but thankfully as a deliberate action it is actually very rare. Still, toxins are an important and regular part of veterinary practice as a lot of intoxications can be accidental, especially around the house. Most people are aware of the common household hazards to their pets – potential...

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  • Vinnie needs some help after eating toxic plants

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 6 May

    Vinnie the young French Bulldog is certainly full of character and is well-known to the team. In his 2 and a half years he has visited the practice several times for various mishaps and he certainly seems to be one of those dogs that gets himself into trouble. Whenever he comes in he is most definitely a handful. He is friendly...

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  • Barney eats mouldy food

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 30 Apr

    Barney is a beautiful 12 year old curly coated retriever, who I remember well from 10 years ago when he injured a front leg culminating in a specialised operation to fix a joint. Apart from that interlude, he has lead a fairly quiet life, as far as we are concerned, and other than feeling a bit slower than in his younger years, he is looking very fit...

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  • Vaccinations – What do we vaccinate against and why?

    Posted By: Megan - Vet, 15 Jan

    I thought I would take this rather topical opportunity to reiterate the importance of vaccinating our pets. We have all felt and experienced the effects that a virus can have, and how quickly it can spread through an unvaccinated population. Since we started vaccinating  our animals routinely we no longer see certain diseases very often, and some...

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  • Coughing Calves

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 8 Jan

    You have probably seen whilst you have been driving around, that there haven’t been as many cattle out grazing at the moment. At this time of year, the grass isn’t growing and the soil is saturated with water. Because of this we tend to keep cattle inside during the winter. Protecting them from the elements and ensuring they have sufficient...

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  • Inga’s sugar levels cause a few problems

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 1 Jan

    Fortunately these days diabetes mellitus is a well known and publicised condition, mainly due to its frequency in humans, but it is also commonly recognised in dogs, with many pet owners being aware of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. This type of diabetes is characterised by a high blood sugar level, and symptoms can be as similarly observed in...

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  • When it's time to say goodbye

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 4 Dec

    When I tell people what I do for a living, a response I often hear is “I would have loved to be a vet but I don’t think I could cope with putting animals to sleep”.  It’s certainly true that the reality of death as part of the job doesn’t often feature in the ever-present vet TV shows as it isn’t probably isn’t...

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  • Dental Hygiene

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 27 Nov

    Everyday, twice a day (hopefully!) we brush our teeth. Perhaps annually we visit our dentist or hygienist for a dental health check, perhaps a scale a polish too. We do this to maintain good oral health, preserving our teeth and gums and avoiding, where possible, dental pain. A large proportion of our ‘routine’ veterinary work, aside...

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  • It started with a tortoise…

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 20 Nov

    We’ve been lucky enough to see a variety of reptile pets at the Wells surgery recently.  Let’s see: we’ve had chamaeleons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, spiny tailed lizards, spur thighed tortoises, Herman’s tortoises, Horsefield’s tortoises, boa constrictors and corn snakes, to name but a few. I’ve enjoyed...

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  • Flash's foreign body causes concern

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 13 Nov

    Veterinary work is full of surprises at the best of times and right now, just as for everyone else, the Covid pandemic is presenting us with all sorts of new and interesting challenges too. In fact Flash, a 4 year old Springer Spaniel, certainly gave us all a bit of a surprise as he chose to adapt to the ‘new normal’ in his own unique way! Flash...

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  • Reggie visits the dentist to address nibbling problem

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 6 Nov

    It was a case of ‘What’s up dentist?’ rather than ‘What’s up doc?’ for Reggie rabbit when he was brought into the practice with an unfortunate tooth problem. Reggie is an 18 month old Netherland Dwarf who has struggled with his front teeth over the last few months. After a series of treatments, Reggie underwent a...

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  • How does your tortoise weigh up?

    Posted By: Sue - Veterinary Nurse, 27 Oct

    As the days get shorter and the nights colder, tortoises are slowing down, in some cases they have stopped eating and are already in pre-hibernation wind down.  It is important to weigh your tortoise regularly, especially important if you have more than one, otherwise how do you know if they are eating well? I find keeping a monthly weight...

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  • Coping with Autumn anxieties

    Posted By: Nat - Vet Nurse, 16 Oct

    Just like that we are into the autumn months! This time of year can bring some anxiety to households with firework displays, cold, dark evenings and with lots of festive treats hanging around the house.  We Vets and Nurses are here all year round to give advice to our clients and their pets, and with the nights drawing in, we like to make sure...

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  • Purdie's dental treatment

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 2 Oct

    This magnificent lady is Purdie. Incredibly, she has been diabetic for over nine years. Her owner manages this at home with injections of insulin twice daily, and we see Purdie for regular checks. Recently, she came to see me for a check up and her owner asked me to check her teeth as she had noticed that Purdie was just swallowing her dry food,...

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  • Tag’s ‘breast lump’ causes concern

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 18 Sep

    As humans, we are aware of the very real threat of breast cancers, and the need to check regularly for lumps that may appear in breast tissue. But as pet owners we also need to be aware of checking our female dogs’ mammary glands for masses, especially if they have not been neutered or were neutered later in life. Tag’s owner fortunately...

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  • Eye saved by surgery

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 11 Sep

    Eye issues are something we see all the time at both of our practices, with none more dramatic than when Ace was brought into our Wells branch one evening. Ace is a lovely (if not a bit wriggly!) French bulldog who had been having eye drops from his previous vets for 1-2 weeks to treat an ulcer on his eye. It was reportedly getting better however...

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  • Fly strike - The Bunny’s Nemesis

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 4 Sep

    Last Tuesday evening, while checking our little flock of Jacobs’ sheep, my budding smallholder husband and I noticed that one of this year’s lambs was apart from the rest. Knowing that sheep tend to follow each other closely, like, well, sheep, we went to investigate. At first glance there was nothing amiss, but we had a good look around...

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  • Rosco eats a not so healthy snack

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 28 Aug

    Five month old Rosco was only doing what puppies do best, sniffing around and trying out anything that he could find. Unfortunately, Rosco came across some sultanas, and thinking that they smelt quite interesting, he quickly chewed and swallowed them. Whilst sultanas, raisins and grapes might seem like a reasonably healthy snack for us humans, the...

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  • A grass seed causes problems for Bonnie

    Posted By: Izzy - Pets Vet, 7 Aug

    It is grass seed season currently and these barbed rice-like shaped structures can be pretty pesky causing problems all over the place with our hairy 4 legged friends! Bonnie is a lovely and very well behaved Collie who came in for her annual booster and health check in July.  Her owner’s mentioned she had a sore and squinty eye since...

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  • A young Whippet needs treating for lameness

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 17 Jul

    Fearne is a lovely little 2 year old whippet who came to the practice during the lockdown period with a primary complaint of reducing mobility and reduced ability to exercise. She is normally a very bouncy and lively dog and like any whippet extremely quick once she gets going. Her owners had noticed a change that started mildly around the time lockdown...

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  • Dog’s bloody gums reveal platelet disorder

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 29 May

    Sometimes things are not as they seem the first time an animal is brought into a vets. On occasion, vets can give a good guess as to the potential diagnosis before an animal walks through the door, based on symptoms and a history over the phone. However, sometimes like in Sam the border collie’s situation, the most obvious answer isn’t...

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  • Alfie the coughing terrier

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 8 May

    In the current climate, I feel that we are all somewhat hyperaware of coughing, but fear not, this isn’t an article about Coronavirus! Today we are discussing the case of Alfie, a 12 year old Lakeland cross Jack Russell Terrier, who had been violently coughing. Alfie’s owners booked a telephone consultation to avoid unnecessary travel to...

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  • Cat’s urinary issues become life threatening

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 1 May

    Urinary issues are common amongst tom cats, but can be more than just an irritating inconvenience, and in fact may end up with the life threatening consequence of a ‘blocked’ bladder. These health problems can be recurrent, as moggy cat Badger’s owners know too well – unfortunately he is not the first cat they’ve owned...

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  • Sasha needs a fracture repaired

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 24 Apr

    Weighing in at 2.5kg each, Sasha and Sophie the 9 month old Maltese Terriers are small in size but big in character. Despite their fine and delicate features the two of them love to bustle around and play rough and tumble, much to the concern of their doting owners who are continuously worried about them.  In general all has been fine but on one...

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  • Gary the cat contracts rare disease from rat

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 3 Apr

    The names of some diseases can be quite misleading – sometimes all may not be as it seems with a diagnosis. That was the case with Gary the 8 year old moggie, who turned out to have contracted an uncommon skin condition called cowpox, probably from a rat! There can’t be many cats up and down the country that come to the name ‘Gary’...

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  • Vomiting and Diabetes controlled with injections

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 27 Mar

    Some of the most common signs we see in our patients are vomiting and diarrhoea, each of which can be caused by a huge number of things. Most commonly simple inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is present, often caused by infections (mostly viral). As a general approach, if an animal is well in themselves then the underlying issue is likely...

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  • Bruce swallows a rawhide chew whole

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 20 Mar

    One damp Friday afternoon in February, Bruce the Jack Russell Terrier was out and about exploring in the garden when his nose caught a good scent, he started digging and came across a long lost rawhide chew! Filled with what we can only assume was eager joy he swallowed it whole before his owner was able to retrieve it from him. His owner, very aware...

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  • When vets pets get sick

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 13 Mar

    Occasionally we end up experiencing the practice from the other side of the consulting room table. When our own pets are ill, our veterinary knowledge helps, of course, but we also feel all the same worry and distress as any other owner.  I recently experienced this as one of our beloved family cats, Jinx, was unwell. Although they are unrelated,...

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  • Horses, Zebras… and Rats?

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 6 Mar

    Many years ago, when I was a student at Bristol University Vet School, a wise professor used to tell us, “When you hear hoof beats, think of horses, but don’t forget the zebra”.  Another professor might say, “Common Conditions Happen Commonly”, but I think the zebra quote is more memorable. The point is, when we...

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  • Little Rog

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 7 Feb

    It’s not everyday of the week that I am presented with an injured goose, but part of being a vet here in rural Somerset means that we are constantly presented with new, interesting and slightly obscurer animals than your average. On a Friday afternoon, Little Rog, a 4 year old female Goose was rushed into Wells Vets with a large wound to the...

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  • When the Degu needs to visit the dentist

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 31 Jan

    It’s not just dogs, cats and rabbits at the vets – there are a large number of rodents owned in the UK, and this covers a large array of species. Rats, mice and guinea pigs are common rodents seen in vet practices, but there are an emerging number of other species, from hamsters and gerbils to chinchillas, to the inquisitive degu. Degus...

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  • Treating one condition unmasks another

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 17 Jan

    My article this week is from a slightly more personal point of view, as the dog that presented to me was one of my Nan’s 2 West Highland White Terriers – Ruby and Pearl. It is well known that WHWT’s are prone to developing skin allergies however luckily neither Ruby nor Pearl had seemed to suffer much from this throughout their...

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  • Samples taken from the dragon’s mouth

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 3 Jan

    Dragons aren’t just a myth; they live amongst us, and require veterinary treatment too – bearded dragons, that is. These reptiles are one of the most popular exotic pets, and are probably the most common lizard presented to veterinary practice. Like all reptiles, bearded dragons have complex needs, and require a lot of time, money and dedication...

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  • New Scope equipment clears the way for Pepsi to Recover

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 27 Dec

    Pepsi is an 8 and a half year old female Pug who was seen by us as the last appointment during a busy Thursday evening surgery. She had been seen by another Veterinary practice near Yeovil where the owners would normally take her as she had developed gagging/retching type symptoms, especially after attempting to eat food. She was initially treated...

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  • Jackson's eye causes concern

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 20 Dec

    One morning back in August, Jackson’s owners noticed that all was not well with him. In spite of the fact that he was eating and fairly perky, he was blinking frequently and holding his eyes closed much of the time. They brought him straight in to us. Now, some dogs can be understandably reluctant to have their eyes checked, particularly when...

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  • Pussycat Parasites

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 13 Dec

    On a quiet day in late September, we had an unexpected arrival at Wells surgery.  A kitten had been found in a flowerpot in a ditch, well away from any human habitation.  Her rescuer explained there were feral cats in the area, and he suspected she was one of them.  Our Veterinary Nurse, Natalie, quickly took her in to get her warm and...

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  • Responsible Dog Ownership

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 6 Dec

    This week it's all about responsible dog ownership, but with a bit of a twist! We revisit a classic, cautionary message that may seem like old news but is actually just as important today as it's always been. As a vet working in a busy practice in such a dog-loving area, many people think that I must spend most of my time cuddling cute puppies....

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  • Left Displaced Abomasum in a Dairy Cow

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 22 Nov

    Even if you are not very familiar with cows, you are probably aware of the fact they have four stomachs. Ruminants have multiple stomachs to make them more effective at getting nutrients from food products that we humans would be unable to digest. They are highly efficient digesters! Diary cattle are working very hard shortly after they have had...

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  • Good reasons to microchip your Cat

    Posted By: Sue - Veterinary Nurse, 15 Nov

    Dog owners are now familiar with the law that dogs must be microchipped, but cat owners are missing the benefits of microchipping their cats; it may not be the law but it is even more important in cats as they don’t generally wear any identification. This is a tale of two black and white cats that both went missing within days of each other....

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  • Jack's snack of grapes causes concern

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 1 Nov

    Very often, in veterinary medicine, we’re dealing with the unknown, making decisions without all the information. We discuss the likelihood of various scenarios with a worried owner to guide our choices, and we have wished countless times for the ability to predict the future. A recent patient, Jack, was a great example of this. Jack is a...

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  • Top tips for keeping your pets happy and safe during fireworks season

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 18 Oct

    As nights draw in, we look forward to the autumn fun of events like Halloween and Bonfire Night. Early evenings are perfect for these occasions but can be a nightmare for our pets.  We have put together a few top tips to help your dogs get through the firework season. There are many products and training methods available which can...

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  • Zelda needs help to beat Red Mite

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 18 Oct

    During a busy morning at the surgery, we expect to see a lot of cats and dogs visiting, but we usually have a few other species as well: - mammals, reptiles and birds. Since the rise in popularity of keeping ‘backyard hens’ they are quite frequent visitors.  Hens have super personalities, they are friendly and chatty as well as...

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  • Bruno needs surgery to remove a foreign body

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 11 Oct

    Bruno is a lively and lovely 6 month old English Bull Terrier. He is known for chewing sticks but his owners were not aware just how many other things he had chewed ! Whilst he was playing he was seen to swallow a bright red foam rubber ball whole. The ball was large enough to obstruct the outflow from his stomach or, if it had gone in to his intestines,...

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  • Seth needs a grass seed removed.

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 20 Sep

    Long summer days bring additional joy to a dog walk. Springer Spaniel Seth had been out for a lovely sunny walk with his other canine pals when he suddenly cried out and was persistently bothering his ear. All night long he was scratching at it and despite his owners best efforts to calm him down, they couldn’t, nor could they see what the problem...

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  • Lethargic Daisy gets help

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 6 Sep

    Daisy is a lovely friendly 3 year old Spanish Water dog. She has always been quieter than her ‘sister’ Poppy and, particularly since being neutered, her owners have struggled with her expanding waistline. We try to assess a pet’s weight every time we see them. Being underweight can be a sign of underfeeding, parasites or underlying...

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  • Unusual skin presentation well controlled

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 30 Aug

    Skin. It’s that time of year again when about a third of our consults are skin related, primarily itchy skin, with common sites being ears and paws. The causes of this often come down to a handful of common conditions – fleas, mites, allergic/sensitive skin (called allergic dermatitis) and other conditions such as fungal infections inc....

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  • Cat fight causes sore bottom

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 9 Aug

    Cat fights are common in built up areas when a high density of cats are found in a relatively small area. ‘Entire’, or non-neutered, male cats are especially territorial and will fight between each other very commonly over resources like land, food and female cats. They also tend to stray further afield, encountering more cats. Meep was...

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  • Winston the puppy eats the wrong snack!

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 1 Aug

    When you’re a 10 month old Cocker Spaniel puppy, exploring the world with your nose and your mouth, anything could be a source of food even when maybe it shouldn’t be! Winston’s owners grew concerned one morning after he vomited and appeared to be uncontrollably tremoring. He had been his normal puppy self earlier that day and...

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  • Bob's eyelid needs a surgical repair

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 5 Jul

    Taking on a new kitten is an exciting experience, and can also be a busy time too. There are lots of things to think about, not least all the routine check-ups and visits to the vets. Usually these are planned for and can be scheduled at convenient times, with a bit preparation. This was not the case however for Bob. Bob’s new owners adored...

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  • Stitch The Lucky Lamb

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 24 Jun

    Stitch the lamb had a bit of an eventful start to life! Moment after he was born he began to eviscerate his intestines through his navel. This as you can imagine is a true emergency. Umbilical defects can be fairly common in ruminants, either as a result of a congenital condition resulting in failure of the body wall closing or as a result of trauma...

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  • Rosie needs dental surgery

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 13 Jun

    Rosie is a lovely tortoiseshell female cat (with attitude !). Her owner noticed that she was having difficulty eating and one of her lower canine teeth was at an abnormal angle. On examination it was clear that the tooth was broken and the loose part was removed. The root was still present and, as retained roots can cause pain and infection, Rosie...

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  • Garfield needs help with his sore eye

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 6 Jun

    We only get two eyes in life, and when eyes go wrong they can deteriorate rapidly. There are many conditions of the eye in animals, but some are more common than others and one that we see very regularly is ulceration to the external surface of the eye (the cornea). This can be caused by a number of things. One cause would be abnormalities to the...

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  • Yorkie needs some help

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 2 May

    Very often, when pets are ill, it is immediately apparent. Their worried owners know straightaway that something isn’t right and bring them to see us at the surgery. Sometimes, however, issues can develop so gradually that it is difficult to be sure there is a problem until it is quite advanced, even for the most diligent owners. This was the...

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  • Caring for our Elderly Feline Friends

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 8 Apr

    Here at Shepton and Wells vets we see and treat cats of all different life stages, ranging from kittens to our elderly companions. Each life stage brings different challenges and considerations, none more so than when our feline friends are entering their latter years. We work a lot in partnership with cats protection (CP) who frequently bring in elderly...

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  • One big extraction

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 15 Mar

    Toothache in our pets is a difficult one for both owners and vets to assess. Often cats and dogs will still have a hearty appetite and will simply learn to eat around the painful tooth and avoid the crunchy bits, much like you and I. The causes of toothache in cats and dogs most typically are associated with plaque build up which causes an inflammation...

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  • Diagnosing Addison’s disease

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 8 Mar

    Logan has had an eventful life – he was rescued from Crete at about 4 months old and landed on his paws with a loving home. We first met him when he was approximately 5 months old and he was very healthy then. His first few months in the UK were uneventful but then he quite quickly became unwell. Initially it looked like he had gastritis (stomach...

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  • Teg has a mass on his spleen

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 22 Feb

    When Teg came in to see us at the end of November, it seemed that he was just suffering from a nasty upset tummy. He wasn’t quite himself but there was nothing to make us worry too much about him. He was treated with some paste containing gut-friendly bacteria to try and settle the problem down, but was no better the next day and had started...

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  • AJ’s cancer scare leads to castration

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 15 Feb

    Neutering, or castration for male dogs specifically, is a routine operation carried out regularly at veterinary practices. Castration is usually performed preventatively, to reduce or eliminate the risk of developing testosterone driven diseases, as well as for behavioural reasons and preventing unwanted pregnancies. However this surgery is also a...

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  • Dexter's change in appearance causes concern

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 25 Jan

    When a worried owner comes to see us because something is not right with their pet, it can be really rewarding to make an accurate diagnosis, and even more so to correct the problem. We always aim to do both of these if we can. Occasionally, however, we can neither pin down the cause of the problem nor solve it, and yet the outcome is still good. Our...

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  • Billy needs help to control his itchy skin

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 11 Jan

    Billy is a lovely little West Highland White Terrier cross now just over 2 and a half years old. He is lively and loves life and has no health issues. When he was around 2 years old, however,  he developed an itchy bottom which did not settle with supportive treatment. We were suspicious that this was a result of allergic skin disease. Dogs...

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  • Luna has Hyperthyroidism

    Posted By: Louisa - Vet, 27 Dec

    Meet Luna, a beautiful tortoiseshell domestic short haired cat, who was adopted by her owners from Happy Landings when she was a kitten, 10 years ago. A few months ago, Luna’s observant owners noticed that she was ravenously hungry all the time and despite this, was rapidly losing weight which prompted them to bring her into the surgery for a...

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  • Buddy’s Bottom trouble

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 20 Dec

    Looking at your pet’s poo isn’t always the most glamorous of jobs for you or us, but it can be very important in determining the overall health of their digestive system. Different colours can give an indication if the digestive system is working too quickly, underlying liver or pancreatic disease, if any bleeding is present, and more!...

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  • A Monstrous Story

    Posted By: Polly - Vet, 7 Dec

    It was a beautiful, blustery Spring day in Cornwall. My husband and I were walking our Boxer dog along the coast path behind the beach near Padstow. Lots of other families were making the most of the good weather too, and Monster soon found a little Jack Russell terrier to play with. They darted back and forth, one chasing the other, then swapping...

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  • The Dangers of Rat Poison

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 23 Nov

    Many dogs love to try out all sorts of different things with their mouths and this can often lead to them ingesting substances which shouldn’t be ingested.The most common examples we see include chocolate, onions, toys, socks, plastics, the list goes on….! Cats tend to be a bit more sensible although even so we will occasionally see...

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  • Keeping Chickens

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 16 Nov

    Chickens can make great pets as well as providing eggs. A small flock of 2 to 10 can easily be kept in even a small garden providing they are not specifically prohibited (as may apply to new housing estates). Providing they have a safe place to nest at night & a secure area to potter around to allow normal behaviour such as pecking and scratching,...

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  • A very abnormal day

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 5 Nov

    One thing that certainly appeals about the job of a veterinary surgeon is the varied nature of the role. Just as with any job, there are plenty of routine, day-to-day procedures, but we always know that our day can be turned upside down at any point if something unexpected crops up. This can make the job stressful of course, but also very satisfying...

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  • Barney needs help with a lump

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 19 Oct

    Lumps and bumps are a common reason for dog owners to come and see us at the practice. Many dogs live with the odd warty growth or fatty lump for years – we get used to their size and character and check them at each visit. Nevertheless, when an owner discovers a newly appeared lump on their dog it can be a real worry, so they are keen to have...

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  • Bull MOT

    Posted By: Charlie - Farm Vet, 12 Oct

    This week I was out on a farm, giving some special attention to one of the most important animals on any cattle farm – the bull! Bulls need this special attention, particularly if they reside on beef farms, as once per year they have an incredibly important job to do. They are tasked with getting all of the cows (or as I like to call them,...

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  • Ollie & Tashi cause their owners concern

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 28 Sep

    When owners need to bring their pets to see us, we know it can be a stressful time. We understand that, in all honesty, our clients would rather not be at the vets with a poorly pet. So we hope these upsetting episodes are single, isolated events that we can make as low-stress as possible and deal with as a one-off. However, the owners of Tashi and...

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  • Complicated case of immune system over activity

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 14 Sep

    Almost all breeds of animals are prone to developing certain conditions throughout their life due to the specific genetics of individual breeds. For example, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels often develop heart murmurs in their old age, and Persian cats may be more likely to develop kidney issues at a young age. The unusually named Nova Scotia Duck Tolling...

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  • Betty takes an interest in Grandpa's medication

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 7 Sep

    In the everyday life of a small animal vet, “have they eaten anything they shouldn’t have?” and “have any toys or items gone missing from the house?” are very common questions, certainly when dealing with dogs.  We find that most dogs fall into one of two main types. There is the first type – highly discerning,...

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  • Should I get pet insurance?

    Posted By: Lynn Broom, 17 Aug

    The options in veterinary medicine have progressed and improved hugely in recent years and, whilst not appropriate in all circumstances, advanced diagnostics and surgery are now available. With this comes increased costs and specialist treatment can easily run to several thousand pounds. Accidents, injuries and illnesses often come ‘out of...

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  • When a kitten gets caught up in a cat fight…

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 27 Jul

    Cat fights are a common result of a large amount of cats in a small residential area, so related injuries are often seen at the vets. However Freckles’ case was a lot more unusual than most – because of the severity of the injuries, and also because she was caught in the crossfire! Freckles had only just started venturing outdoors after...

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  • Tetley has a sore eye

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 20 Jul

    We quite often see dogs and cats with sore eyes at the surgery, and the cause can vary from a mild conjunctivitis to a serious problem that can even lead to the loss of an eye so they always warrant a check . Recently, Vet Josh saw Tetley who is a sprightly older gentleman, with an uncomfortable eye caused by a corneal ulcer. The cornea is the clear...

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  • Samson has a retained testicle

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 13 Jul

    One of the most enjoyable parts of being a vet is meeting the adorable new puppies and kittens that visit us, and getting the chance to give them a healthy start in life.  Getting their healthcare right from the very beginning is essential, helping to prevent problems occurring in the future.  As well as being a lot of fun, it’s also...

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  • Charly gets into trouble on the farm

    Posted By: Gudi - Vet, 29 Jun

    In a busy mixed practice, we have to expect that the phone can ring at any moment with an emergency. And when it’s our farm office that receives an urgent call from a farmer, we can usually be pretty sure the problem is with a cow or a sheep. But this was not the case with the call that started this story, and the result required collaboration...

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  • Merlin and his many trips to the vets

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 8 Jun

    Dalamatians are an unmistakeable and much loved breed, but seven year old Merlin is definitely a familiar and recognisable face at the practice due to his regular visits because of various ailments over the past few years. As if having a spinal problem in his neck wasn’t enough, Merlin then had problems going to the toilet that resulted in surgery,...

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  • Thomas the Dachshund

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 25 May

    There are several different ways of taking on a pet.  Many do research for weeks or months, and then find the most appropriate breed for them at their local rescue centre or from a breeder.  Equally others fall into it, as fate plays its part.  The owner of Thomas however is one of those incredibly kind soles that takes on pets when...

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  • A farm vets view

    Posted By: Rob - Farm Vet, 18 May

    I have been enjoying the sunshine over the last couple of weeks; it is amazing how quickly things change. The young lambs are running around the fields and lots of beef and dairy cattle are out grazing. This gives some of our clients a small break from all the winter work of bedding up cattle, cleaning them out and feeding them. Several of the beef...

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  • Murphy needs help with a dislocated jaw

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 4 May

    Waking up at the weekend after a hard week at work usually brings the possibility of relaxation – perhaps a lie-in, a leisurely coffee and a bit of time to yourself. However, as the owners of Murphy, a five year old cat, awoke one Saturday morning they did not get the relaxing start to the weekend that they were looking forward to. Instead they...

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  • An ongoing cough caused by an unusual problem

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 23 Feb

    Animals presenting with a cough is something we see every day here at the vets. Often these can be managed simply with the right medications, however sometimes further investigations are needed to find the exact cause of a cough. Perhaps the most common reason we see for coughing is a simple viral infection known colloquially as kennel cough –...

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  • Heart disease in Cavaliers

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 9 Feb

    The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is an old and well established breed in the UK. With their engaging gentle natures, they make lovely family pets, and Thomas is a good example. He lives with his owners and 3 other Cavaliers. They make an impressive pack when they are all together. Unfortunately, there are some health problems that are fairly common...

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  • Indy needs help with her persistent intestinal problems

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 8 Dec

    One of the most common problems seen at the practice is vomiting and diarrhoea. Often these will resolve fairly quickly, in a number of days. However in some cases they can persist longer, and then further investigation is needed to find out what is causing the problem. One such case was Indy, a lovely 6 year old crossbreed dog. She presented with...

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  • Rooney’s toe gets sent off

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 1 Dec

    A swollen toe can be an uncomfortable cause of bother, or an unfortunate injury for a footballer, but unlike his namesake, Rooney the Labrador’s condition was far more serious. Rooney is an excitable dog who just wants to make friends but rarely stays still! A swelling by the dog’s nail noted by his owners led to a crucial surgery after...

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  • Disley learns to cope with 3 legs

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 17 Nov

    A lot of patients we see on a day to day basis sometimes only need to be treated with medication, and will need little further investigation other than a good detailed clinical assessment by a vet.  However, when medication fails to improve symptoms, or things don’t appear straight forward then we have to investigate further in order to...

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  • Repair of broken Jaw allows Simba to eat again

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 27 Oct

    Cats are inquisitive by nature and natural hunters, which often means that come night time many will venture outdoors to explore their surroundings and exhibit ancestral behaviours. Not uncommonly they bring back their catches to display to their owners! Unfortunately, because of these behaviours, it is not unusual for cats to be brought into us having...

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  • What happened to Ollie?

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 20 Oct

    When you’ve finished that hard working week on a Friday afternoon most just look forward to getting home and relaxing.  For some that relaxing would involve taking the dog for a walk or even sitting with the cat on the sofa and watching a bit of T.V.. That was how Ollie’s owners may have wanted to spend Friday evening but they soon...

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  • Lumps on Sandy's stomach cause concern

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 13 Oct

    A very common reason for pets being bought into the vets is because their owners find an unexpected lump. This was the case for Sandy, a 9 year old Shih Tsu. Her owner had noticed a number of lumps appear on Sandy’s stomach, around her teats. We were not entirely sure how long they had been there but her owner bought her in as soon as she found...

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  • Barney has surgery to repair his cruciate

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 8 Sep

    For anyone who has a dog one of the best activities that you can do is to simply take them for a walk.  It’s a win win for all parties as both dog and owner not only have some time to unwind and relax, but also to gain a bit of essential exercise.  As a dog owner it’s really enjoyable just to see how much they love the experience,...

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  • Bibby loves goats!

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 1 Sep

    For those of you that don’t know me, I have a bit of reputation for being a crazy goat lady.  I think they are wonderful! Goats are happy, intelligent creatures that really enjoy human company. I have been lucky enough this week to have had lots of goat calls. We have had several very cute goat kids in for disbudding. Disbudding is a...

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  • Trigger gets attacked by a dog and needs a lot of TLC

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 18 Aug

    Our pets provide us with a lot of love and enjoyment but they can also be a massive source of worry. Trigger is a lovely, big ginger cat. He has only just turned 4 years old and is a very playful soul capable of standing up for himself and providing both the love and the worry! His owners came home to find him curled up in the laundry basket, not...

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  • Hattie finds rat bait out on a walk

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 11 Aug

    Some of you may have seen a report we put out recently about a particular type of rat bait that had been put down around the Batcombe area. Sadly, we only found out about it after one dog died from poisoning and another needed emergency treatment. It is called ‘Sapphire Paste’ and is particularly tasty for dogs as it has peanut oil in it....

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  • Kitty the bionic cat

    Posted By: Josh - Vet, 26 May

    Orthopaedic procedures are performed fairly often here at Shepton Vets, most commonly to repair broken bones, fix displacing kneecaps or correct ligament ruptures within knees. They can be tricky procedures with long recovery times, but extremely rewarding at the end of it all when an animal who was previously unable to walk can run around freely again. Kitty...

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  • Wild bird releases make rewarding experiences

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 7 Apr

    The job of a veterinary surgeon can be challenging at times, but the tough experiences are usually outweighed by the rewarding moments. Working with wildlife can be an exciting ‘by-product’ of being a small animal vet in general practice, and there are few more rewarding moments in the career than releasing a wild animal back into its natural...

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  • Ozzy the Wolfhound

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 24 Feb

    There can be few more magnificent sights in the canine world than a fully grown Irish Wolfhound. Osiris (or Ozzy as he was affectionately known) was typical of the breed, gentle and mild mannered, but one of the biggest puppies we’d ever seen at the practice. As he grew, he reached a maximum weight of over 90kg, and his owners were justly...

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  • Billie, the gentle giant needs surgery

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 17 Feb

    Billie is a lovely Dogue de Bordeaux who came to visit us one Monday afternoon. She was not quite right and had a bloody fluid coming from her rear end. This rang some alarm bells with us as it is often a sign of a pyometra. This is an infection of the womb and can be very serious. It can become very enlarged, and filled with pus and cause them to...

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  • Daisy and Dinky get spayed using our new laparoscopic bitch spay technique

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 13 Jan

    One of the most common procedures a small animal vet will carry out on a day to day basis is neutering. It’s not that we do this for fun but for one of many advantages that this can give our patients, owners and our community in general.  The many benefits include: It obviously reduces the numbers of unwanted or feral dogs and cats; it can...

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  • Biscuit The Pygmy Goat

    Posted By: Bibby - Farm Vet, 9 Dec

    Biscuit a typically pet Pygmy Goat: Enjoys human interaction, likes playing with his goat friend Bobbin and loves food! It was one morning that his owner notices Biscuit wasn’t quite him self, he was very quiet, didn’t want to play fight with Bobbin and didn’t want to eat any food that was offered to him, he had spent the morning...

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  • Oscar suffers from pancreatitis

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 11 Nov

    As our pets get older, their number of visits to the vets tends to increase a bit, as problems develop. Oscar is one lovely such patient. He is a Jack Russel Terrier, who is now 13 years old. We had been seeing him regularly, and managing his arthritis well with long term pain relief. However, one Friday it seemed that Oscar had developed a few other...

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  • Finlay the kitten

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 28 Oct

    Getting a new kitten is a time full of excitement and enjoyment. However it can also be a time fraught with worries as we try to make sure we do everything right. Sometimes things happen that are completely out of our control. One such incidence occurred for the owners of a little kitten called Finlay. He was, very sadly, attacked by a dog; the...

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  • Pheonix the wheezy cat

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 7 Oct

    Sneezing or snotty cats are something that we see fairly frequently at the practice.  We usually see them in young kittens with cat flu when they are often sneezing. Once a kitten has had cat flu they are usually more likely to get recurring respiratory problems.   Pheonix is one such cat, although no longer a kitten as he is now over...

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  • Oliver and the unusual foreign body

    Posted By: Sarah - Vet, 16 Sep

    As bouncy, happy family dogs go, Oliver is usually up there with the best, but he was quite subdued when he was brought in at the end of June. He had just come out of kennels and was not eating and being sick quite frequently. Other than a high temperature and slight dehydration, there was nothing to alarm us particularly at this stage. He was given...

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  • Rescue dogs Pippin and Squeak help to ease their arthritis by losing weight

    Posted By: Ellen - Vet, 26 Aug

    Pippin and Squeak are two lovely border collies. They sadly had found themselves in a rescue centre. Both of them are nearly 11 and were lucky to find some lovely owners wanting take them on, and give them a good home. Taking on rescue dogs can be brilliantly rewarding, if a little challenging at times! These two were quite large ladies and already...

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  • Harvey and the lumpy tail

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 19 Aug

    One of the most common reasons for patients to visit the practice is that their owners have found an unexplained lump on them. Understandably, this can be a big cause for concern so most owners want to get things checked out straight away and give plenty of time to act if necessary. Thankfully, successful treatment and cure is very often possible,...

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  • Top tips for cooling dogs down in hot weather

    Posted By: Emma Maguire Veterinary Nurse, 22 Jul

    Sadly we often see distressing cases of heatstroke in dogs through the summer months when our unpredictable British weather suddenly decides to spring a hot spell on us!  Here are a few of our favourite top tips on how to keep your dog cool in the heat: 1) Have a fan or two to hand for instant cool air circulation in the house. 2) Open some...

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  • Hedgehog comes off worst in litter accident

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 1 Jul

    We regularly hear that litter poses a danger to our wildlife, but how many of us have thought of the consequences when wild animals suffer from the rubbish that we have left behind? Litter should always be picked up – not only is it unsightly but it can cause problems to nature at the park, the coast, and even in our own gardens. Small mammals...

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  • Bayleigh's spleen

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 2 Jun

    When you’ve had a tough day at work your main hope is that you can get home and just unwind.  That’s what the owner of Bayleigh, the 10½ year old cross breed dog, wanted to do one night recently.  However, when they arrived home it was very obvious that Bayleigh wasn’t at all well and the stresses of the day hadn’t...

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  • Tilly has cast aside her problems

    Posted By: Greg - Vet, 29 Nov

    Tilly is a fantastic specimen of a whippet, who like all dogs of her breed, loves nothing more than to run and run at full pelt across fields. However all this letting off steam caught up with her one day when she pulled up suddenly lame. Tilly’s injury was not a straight forward one – and required a visit to a specialist and 6 weeks in...

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  • Gnarly's trip to the seaside

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 25 Sep

    One of the many pleasures of having a dog is taking them out for a good walk.  For some, a weekend off is a chance to visit somewhere new, take the dog and watch them enjoy themselves.   Everyone gets a bit of fresh air and exercise so it’s a good pursuit all round – or that’s certainly the case in most instances! This...

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  • Henry the old Black Labrador

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 28 Aug

    The most satisfying part of being a vet is when you manage to make a real difference for the better.  This isn’t only related to the patient we are treating, but also the owners of the pet as well.  This is because, in the vast majority of cases, the pets we treat are very much part of the family, and as such their owners will frequently...

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  • Karma the playful puppy

    Posted By: Martin - Vet, 22 Jul

    The one visit that is always guaranteed to generate a bit of excitement amongst the staff of your veterinary centre is that of a new puppy.  Everyone looks forward to a quick cuddle and then, after that, the enjoyment comes from giving advice that helps you bring up a happy, healthy and sociable puppy. One such crucial piece of advice is for...

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